Scientific station

  • Scientific station

    For some years now, the conservation project has developed its scientific research aspect.
    Thanks to the inventories carried out at this place, new records of distributions and presence of species have been registered for Ecuador.
    The project is recognized nationally and internationally thanks to its work and its importance for environmental conservation within isolated forests.


  • Pristimantis achatinus (Cachabi Robber Frog). Predation / Herpetological Review – September 2016 PDF
  • First register of the Cochranella granulosa in Ecuador – March 2020 PDF
  • Bothrops asper (Terciopelo). Diet/Ophiophagy / Herpetological Review  51 (4) 2020 PDF

Diversification of the Pristimantis ornatissimus frog in the Andean plain and mid-altitude of Ecuador 2017


Main researcher:  Dr. Juan M. Guayasamín – University San Francisco de Quito.

The purpose of this study was to determine if any new species of Pristimantis were present among all known specimens from the various regions. For the preparation of this study, “El Jardín de los Sueños” contributed by providing access to the P. ornatissimus specimens present in the reserve.

The interest of this place for researchers is that it is the southernmost part of Ecuador in the retrieval zone of this species.

Diversity and distribution of insects (Trichoptera) from Ecuador 2017


Principal Researchers: Ernesto Rázuri-Gonzales y Ralph W. Holzenthan – University of Minnesota / Dra. Blanca Ríos – University de las Américas.

Inventory within the reserve of insects of the order Tricopteros, known for having many ecological functions in rivers and for their great sensitivity to changes in water quality.

Floristic diversity and state of natural regeneration of the forest Jardin de los sueños. 2018


Main researcher: Sandy Ponce – University UTE Quevedo

Evaluation study of the floristic composition, structure and state of natural regeneration of the forest. It represents the first step towards understanding the structure and dynamics of the forest at  the Andean foothills. A fundamental requirement to understand the different ecological aspects in order to reverse the process of continuous deterioration for the successful management of tropical forests in the medium and long term.

Ichthyological diversity, ecology and conservation of river ecosystems in Ecuador 2018/2019


Main researcher: Dr. Ibon Tobes – University Indoamérica.

During the 2018/2019 period, an ethno-ichthyological study was carried out within Los Laureles community.

Participatory Mapping of Water Ecosystem Services 2020


Main researchers: Eider Etxeberria et  Pablo Beriain – University Navarra / Indoamérica

This water mapping work was carried out as a result of the ethno-ichthyological study carried out in 2018/2019 during which the inhabitants of the Los Laureles community concluded that the decrease in the fish population in the river is due to water pollution by humans and the decrease in flow.

Models of activity, diversity and equity of bats in the forest, ecological and cultivated areas of the canton La Maná 2018/2021


Main researchers:  Dr.Santiago Burneo et Paola Ayala -University PUCE Quito

In this research, acoustic monitoring and sampling with Japanese nets were carried out in the canton of La Maná, to characterize the patterns of activity, diversity and similarities of chiropterans present in forest areas (Protected Forest “El Jardín de los Sueños”), ecotones (plantations with more agroecological management, close to natural areas) and cultivation  (plantations with more conventional management, far from natural areas).

Characterization of all bats in the protected private forest El Jardin de los Sueños for conservation purposes 2018/2021


Main researchers:  Dr.Santiago Burneo  et Andrea Caicedo – University PUCE Quito

Habitat loss and fragmentation due to the expansion of population and agricultural crops has a direct impact on diverse vertebrate communities.

The group of bats is used as a disturbance bioindicator, as it shows changes in biodiversity measurements. This study characterizes the structure of all bats in a disturbed area in order to propose the Private Protected Forest “El Jardín de los Sueños” as an Area of  Importance for the Conservation of Bats (AICOM).

Ecological analysis of the Los Laureles’s rivers, La Maná – Ecuador 2021


Principal Investigator : Pamela Vásquez – University Indoamerica Quito

The objective of this research is to characterize and compare aquatic ecosystems in “Recinto Los Laureles” by integratingphysicochemical, hydromorphological and ecological parameters to evaluate their state of conservation and ecological quality.